Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Associate Professor (Paediatrics) DMCH, graduated from Sir Salimullah Medical College, Mitford, Dhaka in 1994. He joined in Govt. Service on 28 June, 1998 & in BCS (Health) Cadre on 31st May, 2001. He got Admitted in MD (Paediatrics) On 1st January, 2003 & passed in 2012. He was trained in Paediatrics & Neonatology in SSMC-Mitford Hospital & in DMCH in Neonatology (NICU) for FCPS (Neonatology) Degree now. He got PGPN (Post Graduate Degree in Paediatric Nutrition) from Boston University, USA. He is a Fellow of National Science & Technology (NST), Under Ministry of Science & Technology. He was a trainer of IMCI, Breast Feeding programme (WHO). He was ex- Junior & Senior Consultant (Paediatrics) of SSMC – Mitford Hospital and Central Police Hospital, Dhaka. He is life Member of Bangladesh Paediatric Association (BPA), Association of Cumilla Old Cadets (ACOC), Treasurer of BCS (Health) Cadre Association.
Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam is working in Paediatrics for over 22 Years in various capacities and lastly held the position of Associate Professor (Paediatrics & Child Health) in Neonatology department of DMCH. He also joined a seminar on “paediatric Nutrition” on 1- 20 July, 2015 in Srilanka where hundreds of child specialists from Srilanka & India (99 Child Specialists).
Shafique is involved & conducted research on neonatal & Paediatric
health & diseases. He had around 10 publications in his credit in
peer-reviewed national (3) and international (7) Journals. He is also involved
in teaching and training in department of Neonatology & Paediatrics. He
teaches students of Dhaka Medical College & taught students of Sheik Hasina
Medical College, Tangail for last 3 years.
Professor -
Paediatric Medicine And Neonatology
Department -
Paediatric Medicine
Professor -
Paediatric Neurology
Department -
Paediatric Medicine
Professor -
Department -
Paediatric Medicine
Professor -
Paediatrics (Child health)
Department -
Paediatric Medicine
Professor -
Department -
Paediatric Medicine
Professor -
Department -
Paediatric Medicine
Professor -
Department -
Paediatric Medicine
Assistant Professor -
Department -
Paediatric Medicine
Consultant -
Department -
Paediatric Medicine